Access your Stats Portal Start Up online account and maximize your learning experience through interactive learning via Teachers can get hold of the various teaching materials that can be integrated through their lesson plans and methods of teaching. Students can also utilize this online tool to enhance their interactive learning method. The online program is equipped with e-books for students and teachers to carry wherever they may be. Students and teachers can interact using the system wherein assignments can be made and submitted to the page created.
Students and teachers can apply for an individual online account of It can help you to browse the various services offered by the program. Teachers can look into the vast features available on the site and use them in their teaching strategies. Interactive teaching enhances the way students adapt to their respective lessons. In this way, it can help them put into mind whatever lessons they have accomplished for that certain day. For students, you must purchase the access card either online or at the bookstore of your campus. There are campus statistics books available that have the access card on it as package. Enter the codes from your cards after purchasing one.
How to Enter the Code from YourStatsPortal Access Cards
Hover over the option for students on the online page and select the link that indicates “get started.” You will be directed to a window where you will register your access codes based on the statistics book you have purchased. Select the “register your code” link and a window will direct you where to enter the codes for activation. Below is a list of information you need to supply in order to process your registration.
- Enter your activation codes with dashes included
- Supply your given name
- Type in your family name
- Give a valid email address
- Create a unique password and retype it for confirmation
- Input a particular question to be used as hints for your password recovery.
- Validate the email address you entered

After registering the codes and have been given access to the course, log into your stats portal online site by entering your email address as well as the password you created. Browse through the offered services and let your learning experience be easy, accessible, and comprehensive. For your concerns and clarifications in setting up your courses, you can reach the customer service representative. Dial the number 1-800-936-6899 or you can send a message through the online request form of the customer tech support group.