Your web needs can be numerous and varied but the Microsoft Internet Information Services for Windows can provide you with a flexible & secure server to host them all at The IIS is structured in such a way that it can manage multiple tasks seamlessly and it also specializes in media streaming within applications. Your IIS web server is all that you need because it is a web-based dynamic directory; it can update server logs in real time; and its web server monitoring is that kind which is proactive.
To get started, simply click on the Language of your choice. Next, log in to your account at and it will give you unlimited access to blogs, reference solutions, forums, and downloads. Moreover, you can join the community. Just make sure that you have a Windows Live account as you will need to log in to it. Once you’re in, go to the top right corner of the page then click “join”. This will jumpstart the sign-up process for you.
To complete the process, you will be required to create a username then fill out your e-mail address. You can go over the service agreement and click accept to signify your acknowledgment. A cryptic message will appear for you to answer and this wraps up the account creation.
YourDependentVerification Power-ups
From here, you will enjoy the full benefits of your account. Your profile can be edited. Its likewise easy to monitor your downloads and inbox. There is a wealth of resources available that you can take advantage of. In particular, there is a wide array of powerful programs to download to help optimize the use of your Web Server. You can find the list of programs in the “Downloads” section on the task bar.
Microsoft-Supported Downloads
- Advanced Logging
- WinChache Extension for PHP
- Database Manager
- Live Smooth Streaming
- Administration Pack
- Dynamic IP Restrictions

There are many more programs plus downloads that you can enjoy with Your Dependent Verification account. The good thing is that, there is a supportive community you can belong to via blogs and forums which will provide you with more valuable information. Should you need help with anything, including IIS Feature Feedback, IIS.Net Site Feedback, or IIS.Net forums, you may keep in touch with them through their Contact US feature.