Look for careers and jobs at TA Full-Service Travel Center at www.mytajob.com. Simply indicate the career category you are inclined to, your job keyword or its corresponding number, state or province that you want to work and the city. By simply selecting one of the categories the search result will automatically update to view jobs instantly. Over 3500 of jobs listing are available for you to choose from.
If you are not planning to apply for a job position available, you can still join the community by filling in your personal details at the designated boxes located at the right side of the mytajob.com homepage.
Information requirements to join TA talent community:
- First name
- Last name
- Email Address
- Mobile Number
- Zip Code
- Country
- City
- State/Province
- Career interest
- Desired Location
- Resume
After providing the necessary personal information, click “Join Now” button. Now that you have joined the community you will receive updates related to the category that you entered on mytajob.
Career and Jobs Available:
- Accounting
- Managerial Jobs
- Casino
- Costumer Service Attendant
- Hotel Jobs
- Restaurant Jobs
- Store Jobs
- Kitchen Manager
- Wireless Center and much more

If you are new to TA and you want to know more about the company, you may click the “Click here” link located at the right side of the my ta job homepage, above the blue box. You will be redirected to TravelCenter of America page. TA is the largest network of full service centers. With 17,000 employees working in 236 different location all across America.
For comments or suggestions on your TA experience, you may send them an email by click the “contact us” located at the bottom of the page. You will have to provide your personal information before you can send your message. You can also reach them by phone through (800) 632-9240, seven days a week. 8 a.m. –midnight ET.