Access your account in the Flood Policy Center using you username and unique password through Manage your account and make payments online using your account. If you don’t have a myflood user account, you may create one quickly by clicking the “Create an Account” located at the left-hand side of the home-page. You will have to provide your personal information in order for you to activate your online account.
Even without a online account, you are still given access to site by clicking the link “Log in without an Account” located at the right-hand side of the webpage. After clicking the link, you are required to provide personal information to log in. Make sure to provide your correct and valid personal information. Floods can be devastating, destroying lives and personal property and with today’s weather pattern it can be unpredictable. Make sure you are insured so when disasters strikes, you can easily get back on your feet and start over really quick. Keep your flood police up to date and if you don’t have a flood policy yet, make sure to secure one as soon as possible.
Ways to Access Myflood
If you have an account, provide the following:
- User name
- Password
To make your own account you are asked to provide the following personal information:
- User name
- Unique Password
- Your own Policy Number
- Property Postal Code
- Your Email Address
- Business Name
To log in to my flood without an account you must provide the following:
- Your Policy Number
- Postal Code of property
- Name of Business
- Email Address

The name that you provide when you create your account should be the same name as stated on your flood policy. By logging in, you can view your payment history, pay for flood insurance renewal and view the policy information. If you happen to forget your use name or your password, you can still retrieve them by clicking the “User Name/ Password” and follow the steps provided.