Manage your benefits at MasterCard and ease your mind through savings, assistance and protection by accessing You can gain benefits such as lengthened warranty insurance, travel coverage, vehicle rental, delayed and lost luggage coverage and more. Monitor your claim status easily or apply for a claim for your purchases.
Report and monitor your claims by way of You are allowed to view the list of necessary documents when filing a claim if you are a MasterCard member. You are also allowed to upload the requisite documents. Browse through the list of received documents and gain access to the FAQs. This is handy when you want to be directed in your claim submissions.
You are required to provide a claim code before you can submit a claim. This code can reach up to a length of 9 digits. As a cardholder resident of the United States, please provide your postal code in relation to your membership location. In case that you lack details regarding the prerequisite information, refer to the previously obtained documents.
Lengthened Warranty Benefit by My Card Benefits
A worldwide stretched warranty benefit by MasterCard will include wide ranges of your purchases. You have to provide the following details to begin your application:
- Your personal details
- Purchase related information such as the price, model, brand and the location it was purchased.
- Manufacturer primary warranty data
- Any information to assist or support the claim submission
- Card code
- Date of purchase
- Cardholder related information
- Details of the incident
- Details of the vendor

Accurate and complete information is always a must before you can submit and review your claim through MasterCard. For assistance in submitting claims, dial 1-800-MasterCard to reach the mycardbenefits customer care representative service. The customer care representative is most willing to assist you in your claims. Additional help for claims through email is also possible. Send it to the representative at