Access your personal educational loans and manage your accounts using any technological devices through Be updated as to the latest trends in lending money for your educational needs and learn some ways on how to pay them. Worry not about how to achieve your dreams of going to college. Campus Partners Company opens a gateway for you to experience college education without any difficulties.
You need to have your online account details in order to access the full services of the campus loan management online program. Enter your username as well as the unique password you created upon registration of the account. Select the login button and you will be directed to your account profile. New users of can register for an account and use the services offered online. Just choose either the username link or the password link to retrieve your information if you cannot remember your username or your password.
Applying for a MyCampusLoan Membership Account
You need to disclose some of your information in order to proceed with the registration. Create a valid username as well as a unique password for this particular account. Make sure that you keep all information discreet from other individuals. This is one way to maintain the security and privacy of your personal data.
The online application requires you to choose a registration method between social security number, student visa number or account number. Whenever you experience difficulties in registering with the use of your student visa number, it may be that the company has not updated their records. If this is the case you need to call the Campus Partners and submit your student visa number. Dial the telephone number 1-800-334-8609 from your mobile devices. Once the company has updated the records, you can now use your student visa number to proceed with the registration.
Essential guidelines for your online registration
- You must choose one option from the three methods of registration.
- The social security number must reflect all nine numbers.
- Student visa numbers contain fourteen characters, which are a combination of letters and numbers.
- Your student visa number is the control number reflected on your student visa.
- The account number is the number on your billing statements and it usually contains sixteen digits.

Features of Pay My Loan
You need to login into your account so that you can continue to the pay my loan services. You can do your payments through credit cards, debit cards, and even online payments. The company features an application that will help you remind of the pending accounts. This serves as an alarm that will help you avoid late payments. Sign up for an autodraft account and track your monthly payments without any fees.
The Services Offered By My Campus Loan Online Program
- Loan payment
- Autodraft Account
- Keep track of your monthly payments
- Edit your account profile
- Lending services
- Products and other services offered by Campus Partners
- Forms that can be downloaded into your smartphone devices.
- Customer support option
You can reach the customer center agent to help you answer some of your inquiries and concerns. Just dial the telephone number 1-800-334-8609. For international calls, dial (336) 607-2000 and select option 1 from the selection.