Be rewarded for responsibly managing your Bank of America card credit card through their rewards program at Sign up for an account if you do not arty have one and get rewarded up to $100 per year requirements are quite simple and easy to meet. Sign insecurely to keep track of your current reward balance.
To get an automatic $25 reward at the end of each quarter, you simply must pay more than the minimum amount due on your balance each and every month. Make sure that these monthly payments are paid on time to ensure that you get the reward.
For all the fine print and complete program details you can visit their program rules through their website found at These rules will ensure that you understand exactly what you have to do in order to receive your better balance rewards through the Bank of America rewards program to their better balance card.
There are ways to earn more than the $25 each quarter, simply have a qualifying customer account and you can earn an extra five dollars more per quarter which makes your yearly total $120 instead of $100 per year. If your account is closed at any point then you are not eligible to receive quarterly cash rewards.
The program is simple and if you’re arty a customer of Bank of America, then why not take advantage of their rewards program. Signing up is quick and easy and best of all it’s free.