Sign in and use your account to manage your loyalty points at Congratulations on successfully registering for the loyalty program with your favorite establishment. It is quite normal that many business establishments have loyalty programs to generate rewards and perks for valued customers such as yourself.
You may create an online profile as a verified user at This account will enable you to access everything more quickly and achieve the most of the rewards program. The procedure is very quick and simple to get started with.
Steps on Accessing the MyRepeatRewards Members Login
Create your unique login details if this is your first time visiting the program. You will be required to provide the following information when you are creating your unique password and username:
- Member code (You can find this code printed on your rewards card)
- Your family name
- Verified email address
- Alternative email address
- Specify if you would like to receive notifications and updates by mail or not
- Verified username
- Verified password
- Your password and username must contain at least 5 up to 14 characters
Provide a valid email account where your password and username will be sent. This is required after you have logged in for the first time. Always keep your email details on hand for future reference in case you forgot your password or username.
You will have to sign in again using your password and username once you are successful in the login procedure. You may retrieve your forgotten password and username online, it will be sent to the email that you have provided and verified. In the event that you have forgotten both your password and username, you will be asked to provide your member code and store name through a generated email.
Enter your gift card number together with the access code every time you want to inquire about the remaining balance of your gift card. Remember that each loyalty reward differs with each program, so all inquiries about a particular program should be forwarded to the hosting establishment.
Be assured that your concerns and privacy is protected at all times by Pro/Phase Marketing and My Repeat Rewards. You may choose to stop your email alerts any time that you want and at your convenience. Kindly report any unsolicited commercial emails from Repeat Reward at The collected personal information from you is made secure and safe by all means necessary. You may also view the official privacy statements for complete details.
Please read and understand fully the terms and condition including the privacy statement before you submit your personal details online. For additional comments or inquiries about the loyalty program of Repeat Rewards, you may call the customer service representative by dialing the telephone number at 866-876-2737.