Examine your vehicle information online if it is involved in safety recall or customer complaints at www.myjeepauto.com. To use the service, enter your 17 digit VIN in the empty spaces. Review the Vehicle Identification Numbers that you have provided and apply the ‘Submit’ key. The system is so efficient and accurate every time you request for a search. It cannot be avoided that there are situations where you did not know your VIN. To resolve this, please look for the VIN in your vehicle registration documents, insurance card, or in the Jeep Auto letter.
Make sure that your vehicle is not included in the customer satisfaction drive and safety recalls. You can easily navigate the portal using the menus and links. More information can be collected from the page alone, additional details can also be found in your usual mailings. Check your mailings regularly if there are letters related to your vehicle. Explore the contents further and use the appropriate categories in myjeepauto.com.
Customer Satisfaction and Safety Recall At MyJeepAuto
There are notable differences between safety recalls and a client satisfaction campaign. Learn more by distinguishing the important features of the two different terms below:
- A recall occurs when there is a malfunction in components.
- Bypassing the quality control will also lead to product recalls.
- Recalls will happen to products that may likely cause injury.
- Campaigns are made to appraise approval level of clients.
- A customer campaign is performed to improve products.
- Satisfaction campaigns will promote new products.

Different Types of Mailings from MyJeepAuto
The different My Jeep Auto mailings will help determine the right link for your concern. Check your letter and refer to the list below:
- Customer Satisfaction Notice N47 (1999 – 2004 edition Grand Cherokee Jeep)
- Safety Recall Notice N46 (2002 – 2007 Liberty Jeep)
- Safety Recall Notice N45 (1993 – 1998 Grand Cherokee Jeep)
Please use the N47 key if your Jeep is a Grand Cherokee model and was manufactured between the year 1999 and 2004.